Thursday, 30 January 2014


When I first visited the YouCubed site, I didn't quite understand what it was. As you scroll down the page, more and more information is provided about what exactly the site provides. I like the way the home page is organized. You scroll down in a logical fashion and links explaining more information are provided throughout.

I was very impressed with the math lesson plans found on YouCubed. They are very detailed but written in a totally accessible way and include everything you need to know in order to engage with the lesson. I loved the example of "A Google Dilemma". One of the big complaints about mathematics education is that it doesn't relate to the "real world", but Google is completely relatable for kids and is a more accessible issue for their generation than some of the standard textbook examples.

Along with lesson plans, the site offers videos of YouCubed at work in classrooms, information and ideas for parents, math games, and overall suggestions of making mathematics more engaging. One particularly interesting idea is that when the site becomes fully operational, YouCubed will feature the math worked on in today's innovative companies. In many of our courses we are exploring the idea of students working together in innovative ways to solve real-world simulated problems, and constructivist education in general, and I can see how this feature would be useful for that type of activity.

The site also provides up-to-date news and research articles, and I like the idea of having a user-friendly site to visit when I want to explore what the latest research is for mathematics instruction. 

I think the article titled "Parents Make Math Fun" could be provided to parents at the beginning of the school year to set the stage for a new perspective on mathematics. A revolutionary method of math instruction probably won't succeed without earning the support of parents, and it's important to provide them with the current research so they understand why we're teaching the way that we are. I think that sometimes parents become frustrated when their child struggles with a mathematical concept, and it doesn't hurt to provide parents with research saying that it's perfectly okay to encourage mistake-making. 

I'll definitely be checking back when YouCubed becomes fully operational to avail of their free resources, especially when trying to bring my own ideas and methods to my internship.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

So... What is Math?

I asked Google the above question and it said, "the abstract science of number, quantity, and space. Mathematics may be studied in its own right (pure), or as it is applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering (applied)". Oook. Seems fairly straightforward, and not far from how I would define mathematics myself. The term "abstract" throws me off a bit, so I do some more research.

Now I stumble upon Bertrand Russell's definition of mathematics: "the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true". Then this quote from Charles Darwin: "a mathematician is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat which isn't there". 

We only discussed this briefly in Tuesday's class, but we touched on the idea that our base ten number system didn't just appear out of thin air. Humans invented the terms and parameters surrounding mathematics, and if these terms and parameters didn't exist, mathematics as we know it would not exist. 

In my opinion, another vital aspect of mathematics doesn't involve numbers or symbols in a necessarily concrete way, and that aspect is problem solving. Problem solving is beyond math, it's an imperative life skill that we tend to teach and learn through mathematics, but genuinely applies to every school subject and beyond that, every experience in life. 

The mathematics that I experienced in school operated on a simpler definition, and none of the above concepts ever came into play. It was just solving problems with numbers. In elementary school there was usually a purpose for the math we were performing (such as counting money), but in high school math was seemingly performed for the sake of being performed. I remember sitting in my level three "advanced" math class and whispering to my friend, "what in the world is sine, or cosine? what does it represent? why do we use it?". These answers were not provided. We were just expected to know how to solve the equations.

Math is more than just numbers and problems, and it sure makes life easier. We have discussed in class that math always has an absolute answer, and there isn't exactly room for debate unlike in almost every other subject. However, variation can exist in the methods used to obtain the answer, and this is key. Solving math problems teaches logic and reasoning, which can be applied outside of mathematics. 

Monday, 20 January 2014

Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

In class we watched Sir Ken Robinson's TED talk titled "Do Schools Kill Creativity?". Most of the class had apparently watched this video before but this was my first time. First of all, I thought his sense of humour was great, which always resonates with me. I've always been impressed with teachers and professors who can incorporate humour into their message (when applicable). He makes it relatable and doesn't pretend the field of education doesn't have faults. 

Our education system doesn't leave a lot of room for creativity. What particularly struck me was his story about the four-year-olds performing the nativity play. Instead of saying, "I bring you frankincense", the child said "Frank sent this". Ken Robinson went on to explain that when children are not sure of something, they will come up with some sort of response and try anyway, without a fear of being wrong. Schools tend to destroy this innate creativity by insisting that there is always a "correct" answer and giving children poor grades and reprimand when they are "incorrect". By doing this, children develop a fear of being wrong, and therefore never receive the opportunity to make the mistakes necessary to come up with something truly unique.

This video makes sense in a class about mathematics because math is one of those "hard" subjects that is given high priority in the schooling system. It is held at the opposite end of the spectrum from an artistic subject like math. In order to give these artistic subjects more precedence in the education system, it seems like a logical option to incorporate these subjects in some way. There was very, very little room for creativity in the way that I was taught mathematics. Learning as much as possible about creative thinking is a way to learn to incorporate creativity into the mathematics classroom.

Something that occurred to me during my second viewing of this video is how effective Ken's messages are. Most of the video consists of comedic anecdotes, and the important points are delivered in a few simple, albeit very profound lines. 

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Math Autobiography

I really like math. I miss doing math. I don't know why I don't do more of it in my spare time. 

I do not remember a lot of specifics from my K-6 mathematics classes, but what I do remember was generally positive, and I predict that positivity exists because I was "good" at it. When I attempt to envision what my mathematical experiences involved during primary/elementary grades, I conjure up images of manipulatives and numbers on a chaulkboard. I remember those little multicoloured blocks intended for describing place values. I never liked those blocks, I found it easier to just visualize the numbers and write them down. 

I remember "mad minutes" for multiplication, and sometimes even the dreaded division. I didn't mind practicing the multiplication tables but to this day I don't quite understand why it's so important to be able to recite them so fast. My third grade teacher would reward the first three students to complete the task. When I think about this now all that comes to mind is an image of the last child to pass in their mad minute --with possibly every question correct-- feeling downtrodden and embarrassed. This concept is something I see as an issue in math assessment. From my own experience(and, I can imagine, the experience of many others) math assessment = math tests. Math tests are stressful. I've always had a lot of confidence in my mathematical ability but I still remember sitting next to an open window waiting to enter the gymnasium for my Math 1000 final exam, trying not to pass out from nervousness.  

If I thought I had the answers for the problems on that test and I felt that way, I can only imagine how someone who was struggling was feeling.

I haven't taken a math course in a while and surprisingly often think about how I miss it. In university I've taken Math 1000 and 1001, two linear algebra courses (for fun), and two introductory stats courses (as electives). I interact with math in my life as much as any average person I suppose, but not in any real major way. 

So, I like math. However, I'm not even remotely confident in my abilities to communicate mathematical concepts to others, especially children. I'm eager to learn what I can and start preparing myself for that.


Welcome to this blog focusing on mathematics in primary and elementary grades. The purpose of this blog is to express ideas and address issues about K-6 mathematics in accompaniment with the ED3940 course in Winter 2014.